about keble
Sustainability at Keble
Keble places sustainability at the heart of what it does from education and research to food and travel.
The College Sustainability Committee (which comprises students, staff, and Fellows) is responsible for sustainability in College and is a full committee of Governing Body. We look at sustainability through the lens of the UN-adopted definition following the Brundtland Commission (1987): “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This definition includes, but is not limited to, areas such as CO2 emissions and biodiversity.
So far, efforts in sustainability practice have been focussing on four main areas in which we believe we can have the largest impact:
Although there are still a number of important projects ahead, the committee has thus far contributed to:
➤Calculating the College’s CO2 emissions for the first time. The total CO2e emissions for the 2023-24 academic year were 2903 tonnes. This compares to 3620 tonnes in 2022-23.
➤A full carbon and energy assessment
➤A new “Green Roof” on the bar
➤Trialling the Pedal and Post Scheme for “final mile” parcel delivery by cargo bike
➤Biodiversity study of rewilded sections of College
➤A substantial upgrade to the Building Management System (BMS)
➤Changes in heating practices to reduce CO2 emissions. This is estimated to have saved 10 tonnes/month of CO2.
➤Reducing food waste
➤Meatless Mondays across College, and other plant-based food initiatives
➤A dedicated staff member focussed on sustainability – Jillian (Jilly) Mowbray, joint Colleges Sustainability Officer scheme.
➤A flight levy (£30 per tonne of CO2) on all College and Keble Association funded flights. This mirrors the University levy.
➤Appointment of Dr Benjamin Franta and Dr Robert House to build sustainability expertise in College.
In addition, the College has already completed divestment from fossil fuels. Almost all of Keble’s investments are held by OUEM, who have a commitment not to invest in fossil fuels (see www.ouem.co.uk for the full ESG statement). The very small proportion that are not held by OUEM are investments being wound up, an investment in an Oxford-based Science start-up incubator, and housing.