For Students For Staff

Student Wellbeing & Welfare

Harassment and Sexual Violence

All members of Keble’s community are expected to treat each other with respect. Harassment and violence of any kind is unacceptable.

Emotional support and information on your options

Any student who has been subject to harassment or violence is very welcome to talk about their experiences with any member of the Welfare Team or with one of the College’s trained Harassment Advisors.

You will be listened to and your experiences will be taken seriously. We will explain the options available to you and support you moving forward.

Information on the College complaints process

Students may also consult the Dean about the process of making a harassment complaint or, where appropriate, about resolving a concern outside of the complaints process.

The College’s Policy and Procedure on Harassment sets out our definition of harassment and the process that students may follow to submit a complaint of harassment to the College. All complaints will be handled sensitively and you will be supported throughout the process.

Support from specialist services

Students should also be aware of other reporting routes and sources of support, including the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), Thames Valley Police, Oxford Sexual Health Services, and the University’s Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service.

Information on sources of support can be found below.

College Harassment Advisors

The College has two trained Harassment Advisors.


Our Harassment Advisors can be contacted for an informal and confidential discussion if you are in any doubt about whether you are being harassed, or simply to discuss what your options are. They can also offer advice on how to submit a formal complaint using the College’s Policy and Procedure on Harassment.


Our Harassment Advisors are:




Professor Diane Purkiss



Professor Alfonso Bueno Orovio

University's Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service

The Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service provides a safe space for you to be heard, with advisors offering free support and advice to any current student who has been impacted by sexual harassment or violence.


All specialist caseworkers at the service are trained to support you at your pace, non-judgementally and in confidence.


You can find out more about this confidential specialist service, including how to book an appointment with an advisor, on their website here.

Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

The Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) provides a range of confidential services to anyone who has experienced rape or sexual assault.


All clients are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of gender identity, age, ethnicity or sexuality.


If you attend the SARC within seven days of an assault taking place, you will be offered a forensic medical examination to check you are okay and to look for forensic evidence. If you decide to have the examination, the SARC will store any evidence while you decide if you wish to make a report to the police.


Our nearest SARC is located in Bicester. If you require a taxi to the SARC, please ask at the Lodge. If you prefer, you can ask someone else to book the taxi on your behalf.


The SARC’s website offers useful information and advice on the support available. The website can be accessed here.


Oxfordshire Sexual Health Services

Oxfordshire Sexual Health Services offer confidential medical services and support to anyone who has experienced rape or sexual assault.


Services include free sexual health screening (tests), treatment, contraception and advice.


Students can access these services at the Churchill Hospital or they can request a free STI self-testing kit online.


You can find out more about the services on offer and how to access them here.

Rape Crisis England and Wales

Rape Crisis England and Wales is a national charity offering support to anyone who has experienced sexual violence.


The charity offers a confidential listening service available 24/7, information on your reporting options, and access to specialist counselling.


The Rape Crisis England and Wales website provides information on how to access their services, along with some self-help resources.

Consent for Students online training

Understanding consent means we’re all able to have more safe, healthy and enjoyable relationships.


The University offers online consent training to all of its students to promote understanding of consent and to empower people to engage positively with others.


Students are encouraged to complete the online consent training module available here.