Student Wellbeing & Welfare
Medical Support
Students can access medical support from a range of sources during their time in Oxford.
In an emergency, you should call 999 for the emergency services. If you call the emergency services, please inform the Lodge (01865 272727) so that a porter can direct the emergency services to the correct location.
The nearest Accident and Emergency (A&E) department is at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Headington.
For out-of-hours or non-urgent health advice, you can call the NHS 111 service or use their online service here.
If you are in need of mental health support, you can call the NHS 111 service who can provide a mental health assessment and advice. You might also find it helpful to read the advice offered by the mental health charity Mind on their website here.
You can find further advice on health services in Oxford on the University website here.
Keeping us informed
If you are seriously unwell, it is important that someone in College is informed so we can support you in your recovery.
Students living in College and confined to their rooms by illness must arrange for the appropriate Lodge to be informed and, if appropriate, the College Nurse will then visit.
Students living in private accommodation should arrange for the Parks Road Lodge to be informed if they are confined to their rooms by illness; if a doctor has been called; or if they have been admitted to hospital.