For Students For Staff

Student Wellbeing & Welfare

Meet the Team

In times of difficulty, friends and family are often the first source of support. Sometimes, you might want to talk to someone else about issues that are difficult or for which you feel you need more support.

The College has a range people of who are dedicated to providing pastoral support to our students. We can offer a calm space to explore your situation. We can just listen or support you in exploring your concerns and how you might start to address them.

You are welcome to be in touch.

Welfare Fellow and Chaplain


Max Kramer is Keble’s Welfare Fellow and Chaplain.


Max offers listening and advice to members of the College of all beliefs and backgrounds. He’s always available for a 1-to-1 chat in his office Room 2901, just above the Porters’ lodge. The pastoral support he provides is open, non-judgmental, and non-religious.
01865 272725

Student Support Officer

As the College’s Disability Coordinator, the Student Support Officer is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities. The Student Support Officer can advise on all disability-related issues and exam adjustments.


Student Support Officer is the first port of call for students who are experiencing financial difficulties and they can advise on appropriate forms of financial support for which students may be eligible.


The Student Support Officer also works as a member of the welfare team and is available to support any student who is experiencing a welfare issue.
01865 272704

Junior Deans

Junior Deans are graduate students who have received welfare-related training. They also assist the Dean in ensuring that the College remains a safe and inclusive place to live and study.


A Junior Dean is always on duty each night and weekend. Students who wish to raise an urgent concern about the behaviour of another student or who wish to speak with a Junior Dean on an urgent welfare-related matter outside of office hours, should contact the College Lodge (01865 272727). A porter will put you in touch with the Junior Dean on duty.


For non-urgent matters, students can contact the Junior Deans by email at


The current Junior Deans are Jules Pars, Bhadrajee Hewage, Zac Oliver and Ava Harrison.

College Nurse


Jenny Fitzgerald is Keble’s College Nurse.


Keble students can access medical support from the College Nurse during her surgery hours (term-time, Monday to Friday 10:00 – 15:00).


The Nurse’s Surgery is located in Somerville College on Woodstock Road, and Keble students are welcome to consult with her there.


Her room is Darbishire 16. Please ask the Somerville Lodge for directions to the Nurse’s room.


The Nurse can help with all kinds of physical and mental health issues, and is also available to offer a listening ear and pastoral support.

Dean and Sub-Dean

The Dean is responsible for non-academic aspects of College life, including addressing concerns about student behaviour to ensure that the College remains a safe and inclusive environment for all of our students. The Dean also oversees the the authorisation of events in College, the College’s accommodation allocation process, and a range of other aspects of College life. The Dean is assisted in his work by the Sub-Dean.


Dr Simon Butt is Keble’s Dean. Students are welcome to contact Simon by email if they have questions or concerns about College life or the behaviour of others.


Dr Jingyi Yang is Keble’s Sub-Dean. Jingyi assists the Dean in his work.


Student-led Support

A number of students choose to support others through the Peer Support scheme, or by serving as JCR and MCR Welfare Reps.


Peer Supporters are trained by the University and are available for a friendly chat.


The JCR and MCR Welfare Reps organise wellbeing events. They also organise the supply of free condoms, lube, pregnancy tests and sanitary products, as well as reimbursement for emergency contraception.


All Welfare Reps and Peer Supporters can offer a friendly listening ear and help direct you other people in the College and University who can help.


The current JCR Welfare Reps are Jessie D’Urso and Siri Pedersen Gamming.



The current MCR Welfare Reps are Megan Payne, Ajantha Abey and Michal Staniaszek.



You can find out more about Peer Support, along with other student-led support across the University, on the University website here.