This years’ Douglas Price Society and Talbot Society Lecture will be given by given by the Chaplain, Fr Max Kramer:

“Nowhere is the distinctiveness of Keble’s architecture more evident than in the College Chapel. William Butterfield’s visionary design provoked controversy even in the pages of Punch magazine. What is less well known is that the Chapel’s famous mosaics are also deliberately polemical artworks, which engage in one of the liveliest Biblical controversies of their day. What’s more, the focal point of the whole Chapel, the mosaic above the High Altar, was one of the most deeply contested elements of the Chapel’s design. Thanks to the vigorous exchanges of letters preserved in the Keble archive, we are allowed a glimpse into this Victorian argument, and an insight into the tension that surrounded the College’s most famous acquisition: Holman Hunt’s The Light of the World.”

His talk will be followed by a drinks reception and a three course dinner in Hall.

You can register online, by clicking on the Book Now button, or by returning the booking form. The booking deadline is 1 September, but it would be helpful if you could book as soon as possible.

Please note that Oxford Station will be closed on Saturday 16 September, so if you plan to travel by train, please use the Marylebone – Oxford Parkway line from London.

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