keble college
Report a problem to Maintenance, Housekeeping or IT
This web form is only monitored Monday – Friday between 7:30am – 3:30pm excluding bank holidays.
For all emergencies please call the lodge on 01865 272727. If you’re unsure whether your report is an emergency, please telephone the Porters Lodge. An emergency is anything that would cause danger to you, a member of the public or to the building, for example: electrical faults, an inability to access or secure your residence, water overflowing.
For all other Maintenance, Housekeeping and IT issues please fill out the form.
Please remember to use your Keble/Oxford email address when reporting a fault. Unfortunately some external emails have been flagged as spam by the system.
In reporting a problem that needs repair, you are giving your consent to Maintenance entering your room to carry out the necessary work.
Your Data: You can view our Privacy Notices, which describe how we collect your data, how and why we use it, and, most importantly, your rights and choices, here.