Monday 17 August 2020
A Statement on Admissions 2019/20
The Government’s recently announced decision on examination assessments this year reinforces the conclusion we had reached today that we need to go beyond the measures already taken to mitigate the impact of this year’s examinations process.
Keble will honour all offers made in the 2019/20 admissions round irrespective of their official results in A levels. Most students will be able to start their course this October. A small number, where University departments are at full capacity, will be able to defer their place until 2021.
This decision has been taken with the full support of Fellows, undergraduates, and graduates, as well as many alumni. Our current students have shown a willingness to be flexible on accommodation and this has made it possible to find rooms for a larger intake while also maintaining the safety of staff and students. Our tutors will get the extra support they need to deliver high-quality teaching.
Every student made an offer at the College has been through a rigorous process of selection, involving combinations of school reports, achieved and predicted grades, pre-interview testing, submitted written work and personal interviews by our tutors. We have confidence in their assessment and we believe that all our offer-holders have the potential to thrive at Oxford.
We recognise that it may not be easy for some students to defer their entry to University for a year. We will be contacting each of our offer-holders to see what support they might need from the College and our alumni community.