Monday 17 June 2019
Information Day
As part of its regional Outreach work in the West Midlands, Keble College welcomed over 50 potential Oxford applicants from 17 non-selective state schools across the region for an Application Information Day.
The event was designed to offer guidance to Y12 pupils from under-represented groups who have the academic potential to thrive here but might not make a competitive application without some additional support. Participants, who were selected by their teachers, were given the opportunity to meet current Keble undergraduates and received advice specific to the courses they were interested in.
The day was a resounding success – 100% of attendees said they now have a better idea of how to prepare for applying to the University of Oxford and 97% that they are more likely to apply having taken part.
The event was made possible through the help of Shona Galt (JCR Access and Academic Affairs Officer 2018-19) and her team of over 30 enthusiastic student ambassadors involved in the JCR Outreach society, ‘Keble at Large’.