The Emmy Network, based at Keble, brings together distinguished scholars and students in fields of inter-disciplinary research, and supports and directs this growing global collaboration.
Jussi was born in Lauritsala, Finland. He attended Atlantic College in Wales and went on to study mathematics, physics and fine art at McGill and University of Helsinki. He received his DPhil from University of Oxford. Jussi has spent his career working, around the globe, in academic, private sector and philanthropic projects. His research focus is the scope and limitations of modelling nature with a variety of applications in artificial intelligence, computing, life sciences and modelling of social systems. Apart from his research efforts Jussi has played a key role in founding and advising several companies and philanthropic projects like, DeepMind, Intellectual Ventures and Turkana Basin Institute as well as African Institute of Mathematical Sciences to mention a few. He is the founder and current Scientific Director of the Emmy Network.