Manu Vatish is Professor of Obstetrics at the Nuffield Department of Women’s & Reproductive Health and a consultant obstetrician at the John Radcliffe Hospital. He is also Deputy Director on the Maternal Newborn Child Nutrition and Health team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
He was an undergraduate at Keble, read for his DPhil (placental physiology) at Brasenose College and completed his clinical medicine at Queen’s College, Cambridge and Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge. His research interests centre around placental function in the context of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. His work on preeclampsia biomarkers have translated to their use as routine tests in the UK which have been adopted by the NHS. As part of this he was national champion for biomarker testing and was Specialist Member of the NICE committee. He has been awarded a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar award and was recipient of the UNIVANTS of healthcare excellence award. For the Gates Foundation he leads a team focussed on drugs and clinical development, bringing high impact sustainable innovations to low-to-middle income countries in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia.