For Students For Staff


The purpose of the undergraduate degree in Medicine at Oxford is to educate medics who think and are adaptable. Your real challenge in Medicine is to acquire an integrated and critical perspective in the face of the huge amount of information in widely different subjects.

For further information about Medicine at Oxford, see the Medical Sciences Division website and the Medicine page on the Oxford University website.

Yearly Intake

At Keble: 6
At Oxford: 151

Past Admissions Feedback

Every year tutors prepare detailed feedback about the admissions process.
Links to the text from the last three years can be found below.

Feedback 2023 (College) (pdf)
Feedback 2023 (University) (pdf)
Feedback 2022 (College) (pdf)
Feedback 2022 (University) (pdf)
Feedback 2021 (College) (pdf)
Feedback 2021 (University) (pdf)

The Course at Keble

Here at Keble we believe that we have the ideal platform to let you succeed in this highly dynamic arena. First and foremost, our teaching and mentoring is provided by a range of tutors who cover all the core disciplines of the undergraduate course. Moreover, we take great pride in a number of College-specific initiatives that we have developed to sustain and nurture the talent of our medical community. One of the key components is our termly clinical presentation evening that brings all six years of our A100 Medicine course together, along with the clinical and undergraduate tutors, to puzzle through a clinical case that our year 5 and 6 students have encountered in their adventures up at the hospital. Beyond that we have specialised teaching in anatomy (delivered by our College lecturers in Radiology), a sizeable group of clinical lecturers, as well as a strong and vibrant association with a local GP practice and an excellent library stocked with all the latest medical texts. Keble is also very conveniently located for medics: we are the closest undergraduate College to the Medical Sciences Teaching Centre, and to the University’s science libraries.

Pre-clinical Medicine 1st BM is taken in two parts: the first year comprises four integrated courses covering Physiology; Organisation of the Body; Biochemistry, and Medical Sociology. Then for two terms of the second year you do Part II: General Pathology and Microbiology; Integrative Physiology; Neuroscience; and Psychology for Medicine. The thread of the Patient and Doctor course continues throughout 1st BM. After that the Honours course begins and comprises a range of options, taking you to the advancing edges of a speciality such as Neuroscience, Infection and Immunity, and Cardiac, Vascular and Respiratory Biology. The Finals course has been comprehensively reviewed and includes a compulsory dissertation, an extended essay and development of your skills in critically reading scientific papers, on which you will be examined. Finally the three-week course “Principles of Clinical Anatomy” is placed right at the end of the undergraduate course, to consolidate your anatomy before the clinical course starts.

Clinical Medicine is taught entirely as a graduate course, and there is a separate application and selection procedure for this during the third pre-clinical year. The strong connections we forge during the initial years of the course through initiatives such as the clinical presentation evenings mean that nearly all pre-clinical students continue at Keble for their clinical course. Clinical medicine at Keble is extremely well supported by a dedicated team of clinical tutors which operates in synergy with the undergraduate team to provide a seamless transition and effective teaching and pastoral support in the hospital environment during years 4 to 6.

We are interested in people who can think quickly, clearly and critically, and who can connect different pieces of evidence with their background knowledge. The interviews, which are conducted without us knowing which college you may have applied to, include assessments of your academic potential to benefit best from the education we provide here as well as of general personal qualities. We are fully signed up to abide by the Faculty’s selection criteria and entrance requirements.